Sneaky Thief Xiao Ji works

Chapter 2198: Location of Treasure


毅立即看見月兒飛旋的地麵出現了一個圓圈,還伴隨著一些靈紋出現。她正在佈陣!地麵上的泥土都是星辰之力化成的,用來佈陣可以產生很強的力量!“在這裡麵隻有她可以使用神海裡麵的力量。她就是這裡的主人呀!她現在隻是力量不夠,如果她再強一點,能控製這個星月地獄。說不定就能把那頭蠢牛收進來。”陽天毅現在已經肯定自己很快能出去,心情非常好。臉上堆滿笑容。陽天毅躺在地麵上笑道:“再看看這個地方的天空,因為以後就再也..."This is really complicated!" Shen Xiang frowned: "I don't know if I should tell Big Brother Changhai about this. If he knows, he would definitely blame the upper hand. He has his reservations about potentially ruining Dragonfly City, so he won't give it his all. The Lord of Dragonfly City is still pretty strong, we can't underestimate him...""Oh n...